Individual Educational Program Disputes during the Pandemic
And protecting your District from legal costs……
Are you concerned about Individual Education Program disputes and their cost? Has COVID-19 increased that concern? Many insurance programs provide no coverage for Individual Education Program disputes and their legal expense. Our program provides coverage for this ever increasing exposure.
When school districts closed as the height of the Pandemic neared, the ability to provide Special Education services to students with IEP’s became increasingly more difficult, if not completely impossible. As many School Districts have re-opened, the educational world looks very different than it did previously. We are all on a journey together, getting better in this new world of virtual communication and education. We can see this getting better week after week thanks to the dedication and hard work of teachers and Special Education Directors throughout New York State. It is no surprise to anyone that special education teachers and service providers have always faced additional challenges and obstacles in the successful delivery of IEP’s to these students. And this is especially true in these uncertain and more difficult times.
It is the belief and expectation of many individuals that the delivery of these services and educational programs will continue to be challenged during the immediate future. In New York State, parents with children that have an IEP have remedy when they are unhappy with, or do not agree with their child’s IEP or the services being provided as required by the IEP. This remedy is through the request of an administrative hearing process. Once this request is made School Districts throughout New York State begin to incur legal expenses as Administrative Hearing Officers are assigned and Attorneys prepare for the hearings. In some cases we see the legal expenses and associated fees total in excess of $100,000.
You can protect your District and reduce or eliminate your legal expenses from these Administrative Hearing procedures.
Let us help you protect your budgets from these potentially devastating expenses.
Haylor, Freyer & Coon, Inc. has been in the risk management business since 1928. We began specializing in managing risk for schools in the 1950's. Today, we have developed a dedicated group of risk management professionals, led by an education industry product champion. This allows us to specialize and better focus on the risks specifically related to school districts. We're hands-on, getting to know the needs of each customer and serving as your trusted advisor. It is an approach to insurance that has helped us build a strong reputation and made us the partner of choice for over 100 school districts across New York State.
Contact Jim Stoddard at or 800-289-1501 to discuss how you can protect your budget in this trying time.

James Stoddard, Sr. Vice President
Direct Office: 315-453-2185
Toll Free: 800-289-1501
Cell: 315-345-8083